Symposium on the History of Rhetoric: a Tribute to Marc van der Poel (1957-2022)
Radboud University Nijmegen, Huize Heyendaal, Faculty Club, Marijnenkamer
Friday 10 January 2025
Announcing the Detailed Theme for 2025 ISHR Conference in Copenhagen
As you may have noticed, ISHR soon will return its biennial conference to odd years: the meeting after Vancouver will be in 2025 in Copenhagen, Denmark. This tight turnaround requires careful sequencing on the part of the organizers, especially current Vice President of ISHR, Dr. Hanne Roer. Please click the title above to view the 2025 Call for Papers.
ISHR - Winner of the 2024 Rhetorica Prize
The Rhetorica prize committee is pleased to report that the winner of the 2024 prize for the best article published in Rhetorica is Michael R. Kearney, “Melanchthon's Didactic Genre and the Rhetoric of Reformation,” Rhetorica 40.1 (Winter, 2022): 23–42. The winner was chosen from among the twenty-four articles published in Rhetorica 39.3–41.1.
ISHR mourns the death of George Kennedy
ISHR - Carol Poster
Carol Poster, long time member of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric, died of colon cancer at the age of 65 on October 22, 2021.
ISHR - Dr. James J. Murphy
With great sadness I inform you of the passing of James J. - Jerry - Murphy in the morning of 24 December, at the age of 98. Jerry’s name is a household word for several generations of scholars in the history of rhetoric, and he was a dear friend of many of them.